Friday, February 25, 2011

Roller Coaster Rail

1. Buy Signal @ 5314. Went up to 5347.(+33 points)
2. Sell Signal @ 5306. Fell down to 5232.60.(+83 points)
3. Buy Signal @ 5307. Went up to 5334. (+27 points)
      Long position Carried Forward.

     Total Gain: +143 points

"Winners are willing to work, to notice changes and to react. Losers don't listen to others or to the market; they are unyielding in their minds and trades."

Thursday, February 24, 2011


1. Yesterday's Sell Signal at 5465 continued. Collapsed to 5251.(+175 points)

      Total Gain: +175 points

"Success in Trading comes from knowing the markets well and knowing yourself better."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1. Yesterday's Buy Signal @ 5465 went up to 5501.80 (+36 points)
2. Today Sell Signal @ 5465. Fell down to 5426.50.(+38 points)

    Total Gain: +74 points

"Impatient traders literally use up all their ammunition, money and emotions, so when it is time to shoot, their guns are empty."   - Larry Williams

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beautiful Swings

1. Yesterday We got a Buy Signal @ 5451. Went up to 5539. (+88 points)
2. Today Sell Signal @ 5485. Fell Down to 5429. (+56 points)
3. Buy Signal @ 5465. Went up to 5482. Position Carried Forward.

    Total Gain: +144 points

"Money is much more exciting than anything it buys."

Friday, February 18, 2011

Healthy correction

1. Sell Signal @5547. Fell down to 5436.10. (+110 points)

"Never try to catch a falling knife."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bulls Gaining Strength.

1. Yesterday's Buy Signal @ 5497. Went up like a rocket and made high 5550.(+53 points)

"You should always sell a stock so the person who buys it makes a PROFIT."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Down Up Down Up

1. Sell Signal @ 5471. Didnt fall at all. (-22 points)
2. Buy Signal @ 5493. Went up to 5508.20. Didnt Book. (-22 points)
3. Sell Signal @ 5471. Didn't fall at all. (-26 points)
4. Buy Signal @ 5497. Position Carried forward.

   Total Loss: - 70 Points

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1. Sell Signal @ 5431. Fell Down to 5397.50.(+33 points)
2. Buy Signal @ 5434. Went up to 5504. (+70 points)

      Total Gain: +103 points

"To be Successful in the market you need to follow what the market is DOING and not to try and forecast what it is going to DO."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Bulls

1. Yesterday's Buy Signal @ 5211. Went up to 5444. yielded another +114 points.
2. Sell Signal @ 5416. Loss -30 points.
3. Buy Signal @ 5446. Went up to 5467. (+21 points)

    Total Gain: +104 points

"Money couldn't buy friends, but you got a better class of enemy."
Spike Milligan

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bulls are Back

1.Buy Signal @ 5211. Nonstop Rallied up to 5329.90. (+128 points)

   Total Gain: +128 points

“ 90 % of the people in the stock market, professionals and amateurs alike, simply haven’t done enough homework,”
-William J.O’Neil.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

1. Sell Signal @ 5249. Fell down to 5213.(+36 points)
2. Buy Signal @ 5252. Didn't go up at all. (-30 points)
3. Sell Signal @ 5222. Whipsaw. (-16 points)
4. Buy Signal @ 5238. Went up to 5285. (+45 points)
5. Sell Signal @ 5243. Fell down to 5218.10.(+25 points)

    Total Gain: +26 points

“ We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don’t know and those who don’t know they don’t know.”-Jhon Kenneth Galbraith

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Gains

1. Yesterday Sell Signal @ 5392. Fell Down to 5304. (+88 points)
2. Today Buy Signal @ 5304. Went up to 5347. (+43 points)
3. Sell Signal @ 5320. Fell down to 5228. (+92 points)
4. Buy Signal @ 5265. Went up to 5285. (+ 20 points)

    Total Gain: +243 points

“I know from experience that nobody can give me a tip or a series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgment.” -Jesse Livermore

Monday, February 7, 2011


1. Buy Signal @ 5414. Didn't move up at all. (-18 Points)
2. Sell Signal @ 5395. Didn't fall at all. (-15 Points)
3. Buy Signal @ 5410. Whipsaw. (-12 Points)
4. Sell Signal @ 5398. Again Whipsaw. (-19 Points)
5. Buy Signal @ 5417. Went Up to 5444.50. (+27 Points)
6. Sell Signal @ 5414. Collapsed to 5370.10 . (+41 Points)
7. Buy Signal @ 5403. Position Carried Forward.

    Total Loss: -29 points.

"One way to end up with $1 million is to start with $2 million and use Fundamental analysis."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bulls Butchered

1. Yesterday's Buy signal @ 5535 went up to 5566. (+31 points)
2. Sell Signal @ 5537. Fell down to 5437. (+100 points)
3. Buy Signal @ 5461. Failed. (-18 points)
4. Sell Signal @ 5443. Failed. (-19 points)
5. Buy Signal @ 5462. Failed (-16 points)
6. Sell Signal @ 5446. Collapsed to 5456.50. (+89 points)

    Total Gain: +167 points

"I hate weekends because there is no stock market."

 Note: Click on the above chart to enlarge. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bull on the Horizon

1. Buy Signal @ 5451. Went up like a missile to hit 5534.80. (+83 points)
2. Sell Signal @ 5513. Didn't fall at all. (-22 points)
3. Buy Signal @ 5535. Position carried forward.

    Total Gain: +61 points 

"No one ever went broke by taking a profit".

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We Don't Care who is Arrested!

1. Buy Signal @5476. Went up to 5504. (+28 points)
2. Sell Signal @ 5479. Fell Down to 5458.40. (+20 points)
3. Buy signal @ 5477. Went up to 5410. (+33 points)
4. Sell Signal @ 5480. Fell down to 5422. (+58 points)

    Total Gain: +139 points

"It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong".

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What an opening for this Month!

1. Sell Signal @ 5501. Fell down to 5429. (+72 points)
2. Buy Signal @5452. Went up to 5482. (+30 points)
3. Sell Signal @ 5456. Fell down to 5413. (+43 points)
4. Buy Signal @ 5438. Went up to 5458. (+20 points)

   Total Gain +165 points

“ P/E ratio- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as this market keeps crashing.” Anon